What Causes Bumps on Your Eyelid?

by Apr 23, 2022

Any bump on or around the eyelid is abnormal but most are not cancerous. These bumps are often cysts, inflammatory responses, or buildup of substances in the eyelids.


Where Eyelid Bumps Can Occur

Bumps on the eyelid can occur anywhere on the lid, lash line, or around the eyes.

From the eyebrow to the cheek bone is the general region that an eye doctor can treat and diagnose and any bumps in the region should be evaluated by a doctor.


Types of Eyelid Bumps

Of the non-cancerous eyelid bumps, the most common are inflammatory responses such as a stye. Cysts are also common as are abnormal build up type bumps.

These bumps may have a variety of appearances based on the specific cause of the bump.


Bumps from Inflammatory Response

If there is an inflammatory response in the eyelid, it may result in a bump known as a stye.

A stye is a term for the red and sometimes painful bump that forms inside or on the eyelid from prolonged inflammation.

A stye may also be called a chalazion or a hordeolum. These bumps may be fairly large, but most are smaller than a dime in size.

Hordeola are noticeably painful while chalazions are usually painless.


Treating Bumps from an Inflammatory Response

To treat hordeola and chalazions, warm compresses and anti-inflammatory medication may be used first to try to resolve the bump.

If these treatments do not work, draining or excising the bump becomes the best treatment option.

To drain or surgically remove these bumps, anesthesia is applied only locally, and the procedure can be done in less than an hour.

It is possible that these bumps still come back after treatment.


Cystic Type Bumps

Bumps on the eyelid that are actually cysts are defined by having a cyst wall that separates the cyst from the rest of the skin.

There are multiple types of cysts that can form on or around the eyelids. Sweat gland cysts, oil gland cysts, and dermoid cysts are the most common cysts found around the eyelids.

Sweat gland cysts are usually clear or translucent as the cyst is filled with sweat and a watery liquid.

Oil gland cysts are denser than sweat gland cysts but are still fluid filled and lighter than the surrounding skin color.

Dermoid cysts are made from skin tissue and will be the same color as the surrounding skin and only differ in the elevation of the bump.


Treating Cystic Bumps

All cysts are benign and do not require immediate treatment. However, for cosmetic appearance and improved comfort, many cysts are surgically removed.

The cysts must be removed surgically to have the cyst wall removed or the cyst will rapidly recur.


Eyelid Bumps from Build Up of Material

Some eyelid bumps are caused by the build up of excessive material in the body. The main bump in this category is xanthelasma which is caused by the build up of cholesterol.

Xanthelasma appears yellow or orange and is usually beside the nose on the lower eyelids.


Treating Xanthelasma

To treat xanthelasma, lowering or controlling cholesterol will prevent progression. Surgical intervention is rarely recommended for these bumps because the outcomes are guarded due to the amount of skin that must be removed.


Our eye doctors at Neal Eye Group in Conshohocken, PA excel in the prescription of contact lenses, glasses and various eye diseases.  Call our optometrists at (610) 828-9701 or schedule an appointment online if you would like to learn more about an eyelid bump or would like to have one diagnosed and possibly removed.  Our optometrists provide the highest quality optometry services and eye exams in Conshohocken, Norristown, Plymouth Meeting, Lafayette Hill, and Philadelphia.

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