What Can You Expect From an Eye Exam?

What Can You Expect From an Eye Exam?

Annual eye exams are recommended for everyone over the age of 6 months. But what should you expect from an eye exam? Believe it or not, there is much more involved with an eye exam that simply determining a glasses or contact lens prescription! The objective of this...

What’s that floating spot in my vision?

  A common complaint brought to eye doctors is “What’s that floating spot in my vision?” The technical term for this is a posterior vitreous detachment, but the layman’s term is a “floater.”  They can present in a variety of ways;...

Advanced Eye Care Technology: Punctal Plugs

Dry eye disease is a fairly common issue with a few different causes. Your optometrist may try to treat this condition with eye drops, however, this does not always work for all patients. Punctal plugs are another treatment option. What Are They? This tiny device is...

Taking Care of Your Eyes After LASIK

No one really wants to have eye surgery, but sometimes it can help fix vision problems. If you have to have LASIK, you need to know how to prepare for the surgery. You also have to talk with your optometrist in Norristown, PA, to find out how to care for your eyes...