by Neal Eye Group | Jan 22, 2025 | Eye Care, Vision
Floaters are small, shadowy shapes or spots that appear to drift through the field of vision. They can take various forms, including dots, squiggles, and threadlike strands. Floaters are caused by changes in the vitreous humor, the gel-like substance that fills the...
by Neal Eye Group | Aug 10, 2024 | Eye Care, Retina
Why Do I See Floaters After Using Atropine Eye Drops Floaters are spots that can drift across your field of vision. When you have floaters, you may notice these visual disturbances, especially when looking at bright or white backgrounds. Atropine eye drops, a...
by Neal Eye Group | Jun 17, 2024 | contact lenses, Eye Care
New onset floaters in the eye can raise questions about their significance and whether urgent medical attention is required. Exploring the nature of floaters, potential underlying causes, associated symptoms, and appropriate management can help individuals...
by Brett Neal | May 22, 2022 | Medical Conditions
A posterior vitreous detachment, or PVD, is an eye condition that is quite common with age. This condition is a natural part of the aging process but can cause other, more problematic conditions. What is the Vitreous? Inside the eye, there is a jelly-like...
by Brett Neal | Aug 16, 2021 | Medical Conditions
One of the most complained about things in eyecare, especially in mid-aged patients, is having floaters in your vision. But how can you differentiate a harmless floater from something serious? What is an Eye Floater? A “floater” is a term used to describe a...