Treatments for Eye Allergies

Treatments for Eye Allergies

Eye allergies can cause itchy and irritated eyes along with redness and watering. To combat these symptoms, there are various treatment options including over-the-counter eye drops, over-the-counter oral medications, prescription eye drops, and home remedies such as...
What Do Different Cap Colors on Eye Drops Mean? 

What Do Different Cap Colors on Eye Drops Mean? 

Prescription eye drops come with a variety of different cap colors. This is an easy way to identify the type of medication as there is a uniform system that is used. An eye doctor can simply refer to a drop by the color of the cap which can make it much easier for...
Vuity Eye Drops: Do the Eye Drops Actually Work?

Vuity Eye Drops: Do the Eye Drops Actually Work?

In the past few weeks, you may have seen a commercial or an add for a new eye drop targeted to improve near vision in presbyopes called Vuity. But what is Vuity? Does it work? We’re here to answer all of your Vuity questions!   Presbyopia Presbyopia is the...